Mental Health Resources

Mental Health Resources in Arabic

Royal College of Psychiatrists (عربي)

 Royal College of Psychiatrists – info on PTSD (عربي)

Online Psychotherapy Ilajnafsy – Web-Based Psychotherapy (عربي)

Arab Resource collective – for a better childhood, health for all, and community development (عربي)

Child Protect Syria – psychological support & resources (عربي)

Palestinian Counselling Center: Mental Health Counselling Videos – (عربي)

Multicultural Mental Health Resource Centre: Mental Health Information and Resources – (عربي)

Mental Health Resources in English

CAMH – Mental Health 101

Ottawa Public Health: Mental Health Resources – (in English)    

Mental Health Commission of Canada: mental health first aid Canada– (in English)

More Feet on the Ground: Mental Health – (in English)

The Royal Mental Health Case and Research: Education and Conferences – (in English)

Refugee Health Vancouver: mental health resources for working with refugees – (in English)

The Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Network – (in English)

Canadian Collaboration for Immigration and Refugee Health: training and advocacy for mental health – (in English)

Canadian Psychological Association: culturally competent care for diverse groups – (in English)

Canadian Psychological Association: Psychological fact sheet – (in English)

Canadian Psychological Association: web-based continuing education courses – (in English)

UNHCR: Assessing Mental Health and Psychosocial Needs and Resources: Toolkit for humanitarian settings – (in English)

Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma: “Global Mental Health: Trauma and Recovery Certificate Program” – (in English)

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We are a passionate and committed group of international development academics, human rights, medical, psychological, peace, mental health and health practitioner experts dedicated to rehabilitating and supporting victims of war in Yemen.

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